Audit and Repair Your Review Profiles

user updating their Google Business Profile

Audit and Repair Your Review Profiles Knowing which of the review sites is important for your business is definitely a priority, but you also need to focus on the accuracy of your reviews. Many times, review sites will make it easy for you to customize your profile as much as possible. You will need to […]

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5 Things You Should Know Before Responding to Negative Reviews

For business owners, feelings of dread usually follow negative reviews as the thought of losing customers is usually brought to mind. However, knowing how to handle negative reviews accurately will have your prospective customers respecting your business, this will drive revenue to you and differentiate your business from your competition. Here are 5 things you […]

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Handling Negative Yelp Reviews

When Stars Don’t Align: Navigating Negative Yelp Reviews with Grace The truth is that you can’t please everyone in life. Even great businesses get some negative Yelp reviews from time to time. It sucks. Sometimes businesses mess up and deserve to be called out. Other times a bad review can feel completely undeserved. What to […]

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