Tag Archives for " Yelp "

How To Get 100 Reviews In 100 Days

How To Get 100 Reviews In 100 Days: 15 Tips to Get Tons of Great Reviews! How to get 100 reviews in 100 days The increasing number of businesses and companies that fail to deliver what their clients need has made customers always look for social proof when they are searching for dependable products and […]

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Reputation Management Checklist Made Easy: Includes Free PDF

header for the Review Dingo reputation management checklist

Reputation Management Checklist Made Easy: Includes Free PDF In today’s digital age, businesses need to ensure they have a positive online reputation to attract more customers and increase sales. Consumers heavily rely on online reviews and ratings to make informed decisions about which products or services to purchase. This makes reputation management a crucial aspect […]

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Yelp Reviews: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Yelp logo with arrow pointing to the words Yelp reviews crackdown

Yelp Reviews: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly Are you aware that just one negative online review can make you lose up to 25% of potential customers, while positive comments and reviews can increase sales by at least 18%? This is why it’s crucial to manage your business’s online reputation, especially on Yelp, which […]

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How to Increase Sales with a 5-Star Google Rating

hand drawing an upward arrow showing how to increase sales with a 5-star Google rating

How to Increase Sales with a 5-Star Google Rating All businesses want to increase sales but did you know your Google ratings play a big part in getting and keeping sales? Every sales page has some sort of a rating. It is important that your service or business receives high ratings, which in return will […]

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The Hidden Benefits of Responding to All Customer Reviews

woman holding a drawing of a sad, neutral, and happy face with with text saying

The Hidden Benefits of Responding to All Customer Reviews Has attitudes towards review responding changed? Is it best practice to respond to all customer reviews? I came across the following paragraph as I was updating the page… “A report from Cornell University, highlights that revenue hits a point of diminishing returns after a 40% response […]

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Why Online Reviews are Important for Reputation Management

Why Online Reviews are Important for Reputation Management

Why Online Reviews are Important for Reputation Management Why are online reviews so important? Before review websites and social media took the internet by storm, the only way people heard about new businesses was through traditional radio and TV advertising or word of mouth. Now, thanks to online reviews, everything from how a business treats […]

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