Last Updated on August 15, 2024 by Allen

How to Choose the Best Reputation Management Software

How to choose the best Reputation Management Software might be confusing if you haven’t already done some research. There are a few great options out there but how do you know which is the right fit for YOUR business?

man holding up a Google five star review

The way your company is characterized online makes a huge impact on the number of customers willing to interact with your business. Consider this: 64% of all users trust search engines when looking for a product or service online, as per the 2017 Edelman Trust Barometer. With “auto-complete” responses popping up on search engines such as Google, the research often extends beyond the ranking on SERPs. While businesses with 2-star or lower rating fail to convert approximately 90% of their potential customers, those with a shining 5-star rating enjoy the most attention.

Do you take online image seriously? Want to monitor online reviews posted about your company on different online platforms? Reputation management software is specifically developed to observe and collect. They provide insights about what everyone is saying about your business online and help improve your business’s reputation in the digital world.

Finding the Right Reputation Management Software

You might be thinking about getting your hands on a reputation management software, here are three ways you can find the one that works best for your business:

1.     Find Your Company’s Needs and Goals

Before you set off on your journey to look for a reputation management system (RMS), it is essential that you have a clear understanding of what your company wishes to achieve from it. Consider the following questions:

  • Are you looking to improve your ranking?
  • Are you concerned about the bad reviews that you’ve been attracting?
  • Are you looking to stand out by promoting good reviews?

The answer to these questions will help you pick out the most best software for your business.

2.     Do your Research

woman surrounded by question marks and light bulbs needing answers from Review Dingo FAQ

If you are looking for a reputation management system offering you the greatest return on your investment and is supported by excellent customer service, we recommend that you do some research of your own.

While the first software development firm that pops up in your search engine results may seem like a suitable option, such firms pour thousands of dollars into paid marketing, and therefore, might prioritize acquiring new customers rather than catering to those they already have.

There is also large differences in costs. Depending on your company size and goals, you will see a variety in price tags. Its important to know which needs your company will have so that you can choose the best option for your budget and goals. The most expensive, nor the cheapest, may be the best option, the optimal software frequently lies in the middle.

3.     Look into the Services Being Offered

Although your goal may be to invest in a reputation management system that can help your business monitor reviews online, a well-designed software should offer services extending beyond that. Positive reviews are not all that matters.

A good software option should offer tools to improve your ranking on search engines, encourage additional good reviews that might not have been left, and have strict protocols in place that prevent bad reviews before they even happen.

The easiest way to not get a bad review, is to prevent it before it happens. Software can achieve that.

Why Choose Review Dingo

Confused which RMS you should opt for from the sea of hundreds of software available online? Let us tell you a bit about Reputct Software.

Review Dingo stands out as the leading reputation management software for the following reasons:

  • Improves your firm’s SEO score and Google ranking
  • Prevents bad reviews before they happen
  • Obtains good reviews from customers that otherwise would not have left a review
  • Considers multiple variations of reviews to improve your ranking
  • Offers a 100% money-back guarantee

We may be biased but we built Review Dingo to not only be a stand out software choice but also one of the most affordable. Review Dingo also offers a free trial so you can see what it can accomplish for your business  before you buy!

What more info on reputation management? Subscribe to our newsletter with tips and tricks to better managing your company’s online reputation!


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